Alumawood Patio Covers Pro and Con?

Alumawood Patio Covers Pros and Cons

Alumawood patio covers resemble the look of wood grain, but are resistant to warping, cracking, chipping, and fading, which are common with traditional wood patio covers. Alumawood patio covers are available in a range of colors and styles, and can be customized to match personal taste or the existing design of a home.

Disadvantages of Alumawood Patio Covers

One disadvantage of Alumawood is the limited warranties provided. For example, Alumawood offers only one year of labor warranty, while others like Elitewood offer up to 3 years. 

Additionally, contractors are not required to be licensed to purchase from the manufacturing companies. This lack of a licensing requirement could potentially impact the quality of installation and the contractor’s knowledge of the product. 

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