Elitewood vs Alumawood vs Duralum?

Elitewood vs Almawood vs Duralum

Differences between Elitewood, Alumawood, and Duralum that Homeowners Should Know


This is the most commonly asked question from homeowners and it’s often misunderstood.

It is very important to understand that there are 2 brands of Elitewood aluminum patio covers. There is Elitewood Ultra and Elitewood Classic, both manufactured by Four Seasons Building Products in Buena Park, CA. Elitewood Ultra is the superior patio cover product on the market. It features the most beautiful and realistic deep driftwood texture, 25% thicker gauge aluminum beams, and an impenetrable Kynar 500 paint coating. Elitewood Ultra is the only patio cover product that has a non-staining coating system.  Lattice patio covers are often susceptible to “black streaking” on the rafter beams due to rain or morning dew washing the sitting dust down the vertical sides of the beams; however, a simple hose will easily wash those black streaks away with NO staining!

This can not be said for all the other patio covers products which can stain if not properly maintained.

Elitewood Ultra also comes with a 30-year materials warranty & 10-year labor warranty. This warranty also covers fading & chalking, which no other patio cover product covers. Keep in mind, Elitewood Ultra will have a higher price point then Elitewood Classic, Alumawood or Weatherwood.

Elitewood Classic looks the same as Alumawood & Weatherwood, just made by different manufacturers. Elitewood Classic is manufactured by Four Seasons Building ProductsAlumawood is manufactured by AmerimaxWeatherwood is manufactured by Duralum.

Elitewood Classic, Alumawood & Weatherwood, when held side by side, look the exact same; however, Elitewood Classic has 25% thicker gauge aluminum beams and has a primer coat of paint. So, don’t be fooled!

All 3 aluminum patio cover products feature a light cedar wood texture & Teflon paint coating.  Although the Teflon coating does provide added shininess to the finish, it isn’t comparable to the Kynar 500 paint finish on the Elitewood Ultra. This is clearly demonstrated thru the warranty which covers 15 years on material & 3 years on the labor for the Elitewood ClassicAlumawood & Weatherwood only cover 1 year on labor. So, if you’re trying to decide between Elitewood Classic vs. Alumawood or Weatherwood, go with the Elitewood Classic. It has a better warranty and is installed by more qualified contractors.  Keep in mind neither warranty covers fading or chalking, so if you’re thinking about installing a color besides white then consider upgrading to Elitewood Ultra.

Weatherwood virtually has the same warranty as Alumawood but does not cover unpermitted structures.

Another assurance that can put homeowners at ease, is that Elitewood UltraElitewood Classic can only be purchased by licensed & insured contractors with long standing reputable businesses. Start up companies, and the guy next door, typically use Alumawood or Weatherwood since a contractors license or insurance aren’t necessary to purchase from those manufacturing companies.

View our product comparison below to better understand the features and benefits.

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